Saturday, November 28, 2020

Blog 6: My experience with the English!

Hello everyone! I will talk about my experience with my English writing this blog.

It is not the first time I have written a blog in English. If you go to my profile you can read the blog I made in English III. So at that point my experience was a little more relaxed and I knew how to do it. But this time we are more students, we have more blogs and more stories. I like to read the other blogs and get to know my colleagues better, with this online mode it is so difficult to talk to each other and get to know each other. Blogs are the closest we are. And in this way we practice English differently.

This last time I've been watching YouTube videos with English subtitles because they don't have Spanish. I think it is a way of learning English outside of class. I also watch videos of a band that has Australian members, so I listen to their English a lot. Perhaps if I see more things or read more texts in English, I could do better with this language. For example, this semester for my architecture projects with my team we had to read several texts in English for our references. That is why it is so important to learn more and more English for my future.

I want improve my pronunciation and writing. I still have a hard time expressing everything I want to say in English. Maybe learn well the conjugations of verbs especially in the past tense. At school they made me learn them by heart, but not in a way that lasts to this day haha

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Blog 5: A photography I like

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a photography I like. 

I really like taking photos because I remember the moments I lived better. Photographs are good or bad memories, anyway they help us to remember situations in our life. Last semester with the teacher I wrote about a photo I took in the field when I was camping with my friends. Now I will show you a photo of my cat because I love all the photos of him.

My cat's name is Orion. She is 5 years old and has been in my care most of the time. Except last year when he was studying in Santiago. Then my parents had to take care of him until he returned. Now with the quarantine I always keep my cat. I love photographing her doing nothing like sleeping in my bed or on the couch. I don't remember when this photo is specifically from, but it hasn't changed much over time.

I have many photos of this type, but I cannot upload them all to the blog. So I choose this one mainly because it looks so beautiful and clean. Keeping it clean is hard work and I have to bathe it often just because it is completely white. My dad adopted him from a friend and when I saw that he was white I thought how dirty he would get. But whatever color it is, I love it very much and it is my life partner. I hope Orion will stay with me for many more years.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Blog 4: My future job


Hello to my fourth blog! Today I will talk about jobs and specifically what I would like to work on. Now I study architecture and I hope to finish my career haha. 
Sometimes I think I would like to specialize and then work on it. I do not know clearly, but I would like to work with modern buildings, especially green buildings, but not for large buildings but for people with less resources. Take what is sustainable and bring it to ordinary people. For this I need to study about sustainability and also study about social housing. At first, I wanted to study architecture to work with low-income houses, now I would like to combine this plus the duty of caring for the planet that we have as a society. I feel that if I can bring a little bit of what big green buildings have into homes it would make me feel a little more at ease with myself. In addition to bringing architecture to people who do not have and currently live as in small disposable boxes. I mean, social housing is not architecture as such, it is just buildings made precariously to be used.
 I would like to travel to learn about homes in other countries where they care about interior spaces, materials and that add sustainability. Maybe this ends up being just a dream of someone in the second year of their career, maybe I won't end up working on what I studied. I don't know. I hope so and that those who read this can also work on what they like, beyond money, that is rewarding in our lives and fulfills us.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Blog 3: Favorite serie

 Hello everyone to my blog number 3! This time I'm talking about my favorite series, because I don't have a favorite movie.

I like to watch anime and Korean series, but in my heart I have a special space for Haikyuu! 

It is an anime about sports specifically volleyball and talks about the dreams of two protagonists. We have two boys who do not have a good relationship because in the last school they played against each other. Now in their new school they have to be a team and learn to play together.

Kageyama Tobio is a self-centered gamer and Hinata Shoyo is too short a young man to be the best. Both put these things aside and become an exceptional duo surprising all their rivals. We no longer have a king of the court who only thinks about him or a short boy who does not know how to play, we have the next great players from Japan.

It's so much fun watching their relationship and how they improve over time. In addition, the anime shows us how all the characters evolve but not only them, they show great teamwork and how they go through different obstacles. I also like the realism about how they don't always win and learn from their mistakes.

The anime count with four seasons and the last one is still in broadcast.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Blog 2: Concert.

Welcome everyone to my second blog! Today I will talk about a concert I went to last year. 

I've never been to a concert before, this time it was my first time. I'm a huge fan of Shawn Mendes, so when I found out that he was coming to Chile, I bought a ticket. Shawn Mendes is a Canadian pop singer. I really like the lyrics of Shawn's songs. I am very excited and wanted to meet him for a long time. 

The concert was on December 10th and at that time the social outbreak was still continuing. I thought the concert was going to be canceled but it was done anyway. My mind was very worried and I was thinking about many other things that I did not realize when the day came to go see him. But when it all started I felt very good, I was able to sing and release a lot of energy. I was with a friend that I hadn't seen for a long time and it did me good to be there. When it was all over, I didn't believe it and the only thing I wanted was to turn back the time so I could enjoy that moment once more. I hope to go see another artist that I like and have a good time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Blog 1: Countries I would like to visit


Hi everyone! Welcome to my first blog, I will tell you about some places that I would like to visit.

I never think about this clearly. Sometimes I would like to visit Japan and South Korea, because I like their culture and they have very beautiful places.

Tokyo, Japan.
I have liked Japan since I was little. Maybe I see myself walking through the illuminated streets in Tokyo, eating different food than what I am used to, also eating new sweets. I said sweets because I like them a lot and Japan stands out for having nice food of this type. I would really like to buy souvenirs in this country and have a good time walking and having fun. After being in Tokyo I would like to go to quieter and more rural places in Japan. Also to go to the sea.

I mentioned that I would also like to visit South Korea because I like its architecture, because they preserve the old buildings very well and I would like to visit them, it would be like traveling in time many centuries ago. 

Seoul, South Korea.
Perhaps a dream for me is to work in some of these countries, to learn more about the oriental architecture and how I could implement it here in Chile.